Course Syllabus
1/7 Week 1: Introduction to Blockchains
Teaching Team: Aaron Greenblatt, Kun Peng, Gil Rosen, Steven Willinger, Xochitl Cazador
1/14 Week 2: AI Agent
Nemil Dala, Head of Coinbase Developer Platform & AgentKit at Base
1/21 Week 3: Staking and Economic Security in the Blockchain Ecosystem
Sreeram Kannan, Founder & CEO, EigenLayer
1/28 Week 4: Blockchain Entrepreneurship from the Trenches
Jason Zhao, Co-Founder, Story Protocol
2/4 Week 5: Scaling Ethereum
Karl Floersch, Cofounder, Optimism
2/11 Week 6: Regulations
Gina Moon, General Counsel, Paradigm
2/18 Week 7: Decentralized Finance
Gordon Liao, Head of Research & Chief Economist, Circle
2/25 Week 8: Solana & DEPIN
Anatoly Yakovenko, Cofounder, Solana
3/4 Week 9: Crypto & AI
Illia Polosukhin, Cofounder of Near & Co-author of “Attention is All You Need”
3/11 Week 10: Future of Blockchain
Surprise Guest; to be moderated by Dan Boneh, CS Professor, Stanford
Course Schedules
Tuesday 4:30pm - 5:20pm at Sapp Center for Science Teaching and Learning Room 111.
Attendance in person is required as some classes are not recorded.
Attend 7 out of 10 lectures and complete attendance form (link to be shared at start and end of class).